David Huni
Born 07 November 1978, David is an artist, director, producer of lifestyle exhibitions and a philanthropist. He is best known for his phenomenal dinosaur exhibition; The Dino Expo, which is present in four continents namely Australia, Africa, Canada, Europe and Asia. David believes that the tragic dinosaur story is a typical example of how our world can become extinct if humanity does not keep its behaviour in check. There is still a chance to turn things around by reducing carbon emissions to serve our planet.
It is for this reason that David is now ensuring that free tickets to The Dino Expo are given to millions of school children globally to inspire the to save planet earth and its inhabitants from extinction. The Dino Expo, one of the pioneering exhibitions focusing on paleontology, is endorsed by the University of Wits Watersrand. The Dino Expo is the fastest growing dinosaur travel show which possesses the largest foot print globally.